Art, Character, game, Story

Assorted adventures in Empai Tirkosu (March 2020 roundup)

It's been an interesting month. I've had three adventures running at the same time, so this recap may be a little disjointed. But two of them contained one of the best plot twists since the Ancient Tsethem's reveal. Alien Investigation Following: << Elion, Special agent and combat artificer extraordinaire. Melody, Tsethem of ice and latent… Continue reading Assorted adventures in Empai Tirkosu (March 2020 roundup)

Art, Lore

Regarding the Library of Time, and its nature

4/14/55 AFO Regarding the Library of Time, and its nature. Figure 1 The present is absolute, a single point shared by all. Every being in a timeline travels through it together. The future (that is, what will become the present) cannot be known for certain. Our world contains two timelines. We have been crossing between… Continue reading Regarding the Library of Time, and its nature

Art, Character, game, Play-By-Play, Story

Raid in Rahm Oru

A couple of years ago I did a really in-depth breakdown of how a solo D&D game plays out. Extra crunch, triple the writing time. Now, for some incomprehensible reason, I've done it again. Solo stuff I'm using: MUNE. I love that it's called that, and I hate that it's called that. Mythic Variations II… Continue reading Raid in Rahm Oru