Art, Character, design, Occasion

4 years, 100 characters

It's been one hell of a year. Sometimes literally. And, messy time travel aside, it's been almost exactly a year in-game. What started with some light adventuring on Tiskosu ended with our heroes literally losing a battle for the fate of reality, after a week-long war where every battle was played out in detail. We've had… Continue reading 4 years, 100 characters

Art, Character, game, Play-By-Play, Story

Raid in Rahm Oru

A couple of years ago I did a really in-depth breakdown of how a solo D&D game plays out. Extra crunch, triple the writing time. Now, for some incomprehensible reason, I've done it again. Solo stuff I'm using: MUNE. I love that it's called that, and I hate that it's called that. Mythic Variations II… Continue reading Raid in Rahm Oru

Art, Character, game, Story


Yo, we really need clerics to be real because getting massively ill all through christmas and new year was kinda pants. Anyway; back to your regularly scheduled solo game recap. Rahm Oru is under attack! The shadow invaders have sent a force roughly two thousand strong, plus a pair of undead dragons. Defending the town… Continue reading Nightfall

Art, Character, game, Story

Dark Tidings

This is a recap of my solo game, told with way too much prose that I'm gonna cut back on after this chapter, because it's hindering the actual game. The story so far? Shadow elementals have escaped their prison-realm! Using a tower that reached the stars, because apparently planar barriers don't cover astral travel. It… Continue reading Dark Tidings