App, game, POET, Resource

PoET in your pocket!

It's sleek, it's stylish, and it's slightly less buggy than before! The new character app for Protectors of Empai Tirkosu is here to help you escape to that magical island wherever you may be, and whatever you may be doing. Unless it's driving. Or open heart surgery. Download (Android) There's a Mac version, too. I… Continue reading PoET in your pocket!

Character, design, game, POET

Additonal Magic epithets

These character options weren't ready in time to be included in the Magic playtest - And they're still not ready now! Not completely. But they're playable, and that's the point of a playtest. This is pretty fun, letting you go nuts as a supercharged warrior. In fact quite a few of the Magic or Magic-adjacent… Continue reading Additonal Magic epithets

game, Play-By-Play, POET

Combat in PoET

Here's an excerpt from Protectors of Empai Tirkosu, showing off the rather "unique" combat system. Airini swings through a jungle of lush greenery, juggling death. She wears a pair of magitek gauntlets. At her bidding, they shoot cords of arcane energy into the canopy above, allowing easy navigation of this duplicitous terrain. She's quite adept… Continue reading Combat in PoET

Art, Character, design, Occasion

4 years, 100 characters

It's been one hell of a year. Sometimes literally. And, messy time travel aside, it's been almost exactly a year in-game. What started with some light adventuring on Tiskosu ended with our heroes literally losing a battle for the fate of reality, after a week-long war where every battle was played out in detail. We've had… Continue reading 4 years, 100 characters

Art, Character, design, game, Story

The fury of defiance

This is a recap of my ongoing solo game of D&D actually-not-D&D. You don’t need to plough through all prior material to enjoy this, as it’s fairly easy to pick up what’s going on (and yeesh, I've been doing these posts for close to a year now: anyone who's actually read it all deserves a… Continue reading The fury of defiance