Art, game, Resource, Uncategorized

MUNE goes mobile

You know how I play solo RPGs on the go? A lot of that time is spent flipping through different MUNE pdfs, charts, text files, and dice rollers. On top of it being a massive battery waster, it also bogs stuff down. Like a lot. So when this little beaut appeared in my inbox, I… Continue reading MUNE goes mobile

Art, Character, game, Uncategorized


This is not canon. But this is:   Been playing around with some things. Can't quite say what, because if I do I'll probably jinx it to fall into the ever-increasing pile of Things I Said I'd Do, But Didn't. But if this does work out, I think it'll be something I'm actually proud of.… Continue reading Art/Teaser/Thing

game, Play-By-Play, Story

Actual-Play styles; the Recap

Part 2? Where's part one? Well, it's here. Whoops, I accidentally made a series. So basically this is gonna be a comparison of different ways to transcribe your solo play into a format you can share with people. Part 1 was a prose-like thing that I was writing while playing. This one below is a… Continue reading Actual-Play styles; the Recap