
The lay of the land

Just a quick blog post to show off the new page exploring the island of Tirkosu! Lots of lore and stuff there that I never really posted anywhere else - plus some remarks from Flamer's old writings, courtesy of the Great Library in Rahm oru. Also: Still doing those session play-by-play thingies - but my… Continue reading The lay of the land

Art, game, Play-By-Play, Story

No time to lose

This is a continuation of the adventure in this post. I might actually end up turning this into a series if my creative drive doesn't take a premature skydiving trip. Crunch I decided to leave a little more behind-the-scenes stuff in this time. These "Turning Points" use The Adventure Crafter's fantastic tables to generate scenes for… Continue reading No time to lose

Art, game, Story

Rainy Rahm Oru

This was a short little adventure I played out yesterday, using MUNE, The Adventure Crafter, and a host of other supplements. The perfect way to celebrate Empai Tirkosu's anniversary. Oh, and I did some shitty art too. From left to right: Elion, spy for the Secret Elvish Intelligence Agency and arcane armour fanatic. Natina, starborn… Continue reading Rainy Rahm Oru

Art, Character, game, Occasion

3 years

Three years since I filled out the character sheets, handpicked the art, and built the minifigs that would eventually go on to represent the original Tsethem. Sixty years since Della reached out to the team. Flamer was wary of going out in public, but happy enough to earn a chance at being accepted - the… Continue reading 3 years