Art, game, Occasion

6 years

(note: due to being ill, this post has been delayed until tomorrow, which is today) Huh. Empai Tirkosu's been around for a quarter of my life. Pretty cool. And this year I actually did something: Released a bunch of playtests, none of which were useful but hey at least it was something, right? And now… Continue reading 6 years

Art, Character, game, Story

Dark Tidings

This is a recap of my solo game, told with way too much prose that I'm gonna cut back on after this chapter, because it's hindering the actual game. The story so far? Shadow elementals have escaped their prison-realm! Using a tower that reached the stars, because apparently planar barriers don't cover astral travel. It… Continue reading Dark Tidings

Art, Character, game, Story

Storm amassing

Welcome all, to my world - the magical world of Empai Tirkosu! Every week I delve into this fantastical land and take on the personas of its intriguing inhabitants, playing the ultimate heresy: A solo D&D game! This is the start of a new campaign, so no need to deep-dive into all the prior chapters… Continue reading Storm amassing

Art, game, Story

The infected fortress

This is a recap of my ongoing solo game of D&D. You don’t need to breeze through all prior material to enjoy this chapter - but it'll probably help. This session has some content from Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus – specifically chapter... ...Okay, that's a stretch. I'm hardly playing the same module anymore, it's… Continue reading The infected fortress